What’s One Thing You Can Do to Improve Public Health?

Written by admin, May 9, 2016

May 9, 2016 – Take the Census on May 10!

Dr. Rosana Salvaterra, our local Medical Officer of Health, is encouraging residents from the County and City of Peterborough to take the census on May 10, Canada’s official census day.

“Census data is so important because it gives us valuable information about the factors that affect health from a population perspective, such as housing, income and education levels,” explained Dr. Salvaterra.  “Our local response rate for the last census was the lowest in the country so we are appealing to residents this time to make sure they complete it to help us better plan public health programs and services.”

She notes that municipalities, businesses and healthcare agencies depend on the information from the census.

The census collects demographic information on every person living in Canada.  Reliable census rates help to understand local housing needs, and local officials particularly need good data to better plan affordable housing, a key determinant of health.  The information from data also helps to improve medical research, healthcare and the well-being of all Canadians.

Here are some things to remember about 2016 Census.

(1) Census Day is May 10, complete the census form as soon as you receive it.

(2) The census is available online. You can still order a paper version by calling 1-855-699-2016.

(3) The census is available in 11 Aboriginal languages.

For more information about the census call 2016 Census at 1-855-700-2016 or visit www.census.gc.ca



For further information, please contact:

Brittany Cadence, Communications Manager

705-743-1000, ext. 391