Public Health & 2018 Municipal Elections
Written by Communications, March 22, 2018
Municipal policies and bylaws affect local public health in many ways. Elected officials from Curve Lake and Hiawatha First Nations, along with County and City Councils serve on the Board of Health and are responsible for implementing the Ontario Public Health Standards and guiding decisions to improve the public health of our communities. Municipalities also provide 25% funding towards all cost-shared public health services and programs.
Let’s Make Health a Priority is designed to help inform conversations with local candidates or other voters when discussing public health issues of greatest significance to our community.
Below you’ll also find several resources and evidence to help inform your voting decision on October 22, 2018. If you have further questions about the role of municipal policies in shaping public health, please contact us at 705-743-1000, ext. 391.
Public Health Reports:
Limited Incomes: A recipe for food insecurity (2017 report)
Food Insecurity in Peterborough (2018)
Low Income and its Impact on Health (2017 report)
Precarious Employment Research Initiative
Outdoor Playspaces for Children: An Evidence Review (2017)
Peterborough County & City Active Transportation & Health Indicators Report (2014)
Columns by Dr. Rosana Salvaterra, Medical Officer of Health:
Public health and the municipal election (September 2018)
Food Charters: Designing our own local food system (June 2018)
Overdose prevention sites save lives (March 2018)
A higher minimum wage improves public health and the economy (June 2017)
Biting the hand that feeds you to advocate for better dental health (April 2017)
Other Reports:
Planting Healthy Air: Can Urban Trees Help Clean Up Pollution?
Reports from Public Health Partners:
2017 Progress Report: Peterborough 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan