Protect Your Pets and Families from Rabies:

Written by admin, April 18, 2017

April 18, 2017 – Low-Cost Rabies Clinics on Saturday, April 29

Peterborough Public Health is teaming up with local veterinarians to help combat rabies. On Saturday, April 29 from 12 noon until 2:00 p.m., there will be multiple clinics running across the County and City to help protect pet dogs and cats against the disease. These vaccinations are low-cost at $25 per pet, cash only.  Dogs must be leashed and cats caged or restrained.

Provincial law requires that all cats and dogs over three months of age in Peterborough City and County must be vaccinated for rabies. Vaccinations protect pets from rabies and helps protect your family, if your pet is bitten by a rabid wild animal.

“We hope that the community will take advantage of these low-cost rabies clinics, which are being set up at multiple sites across the County and City,” said Atul Jain, Manager of Environmental Health, who oversees the rabies prevention and control program for Peterborough Public Health. “Not only is vaccinating your cats and dogs the law, but it is the easiest way to protect your pets and family from rabies. While it’s rare, when humans develop rabies from infected animals it is almost 100% fatal.”

While the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry had significantly reduced the number of wildlife rabies cases in Ontario through its Rabies Control Program, in 2016 the number of cases rose significantly. As of December 31, 2016, there were 288 confirmed cases of fox and raccoon strain rabies in Ontario, compared to just 24 cases in 2015. Pet vaccination and the provincial baiting program are still required to keep rabies at bay for the protection of Ontario families.

Rabies is a deadly disease of the central nervous system that affects humans and other mammals. The virus is concentrated in the saliva of a rabid animal and can spread through a bite, cut or scratch, or if the saliva comes in contact with the moist tissues of the mouth, nose or eyes. There is no known treatment for rabies once the symptoms appear.  The disease cannot be treated, but it can be prevented through vaccination.

For more information about the low-cost rabies clinics or to find a clinic location near you, please visit and click on Rabies Clinics or call the Peterborough Public Health at 705-743-1000, ext. 232.


For further information, please contact:
Atul Jain, Manager, Environmental Health
705-743-1000, ext. 259