Growing Up!
Written by admin, May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015 – Public Health Celebrates School Garden Day
Food security, sustainability and nutrition were all on the agenda when Peterborough Public Health was at Highland Heights on Friday, May 22 to celebrate School Garden Day. This was an opportunity to learn about the educational value of growing gardens at local schools, and how we are creating healthier schools and communities.
This was an excellent opportunity for students to connect and become more involved in their school community at the same time they are learning about the environment, active living and a balanced diet.
Local schools were asked to write a brief story about their garden, and send it to PCCHU. In return they were provided seeds courtesy of Green Up!, Peterborough Community Garden Network and Johnston’s Greenhouse.
“Celebrating School Garden Day is a fitting way to champion those schools in Peterborough and Peterborough County who take the time to garden,” explains School Health Liaison Anne Gallant. “The Peterborough Public Health encourages all schools to grow because of the benefits for students and faculty alike. It is great to see students interested in the school garden all while improving their overall health.”
Students need to be healthy in order to learn, which is why Peterborough Public Health is committed to creating healthy schools. While this is the first time PCCHU is celebrating School Garden Day, creating school gardens is part of a broader healthy schools initiative that focuses upon education and physical and social environments to promote healthier students. The healthy schools program is dedicated to ensuring the best overall health for all students. Highland Heights is one of 11 schools in Peterborough and Peterborough County who participate in the healthy schools campaign.
For further information, please contact:
Anne Gallant
School Health Liaison
705-743-1000, ext.314