Families & Parents

Last revised/updated October 17, 2024

The School Health program partners with principals, school staff, district school boards and community agencies to support the health and well-being of students and their families.

This page is for busy parents and families who are interested in learning more about public health programs and resources to support both their school community and their children & youth to be healthy people and places.

The Quick Links to the right connects you to other areas at Peterborough Public Health that also support healthy schools.

Our General Resources

Starting School

Let’s go to Kindergarten 2024 – Information and tips to help prepare your child for a healthy start to kindergarten!

Preventing the Spread of Illness

We all have an important role to play to prevent the spread of illness. Parents & students can help control the spread of infections by:

  • practicing good hand hygiene,
  • cleaning and disinfecting at home and school,
  • practicing good respiratory etiquette (e.g. cough/sneeze into your elbow),
  • keeping vaccinations up to date,
  • not sharing water bottles, food, cutlery, etc.
  • supporting good air quality, and
  • staying home when you’re feeling unwell.

Find out the best ways to prevent further spread of infection here – Preventing Respiratory Viruses

Helping Your Child Reduce the Spread of Illness

Respiratory Etiquette Tips

Mental Health

If you or your child are experiencing poor mental health or symptoms of a mental illness, you are not alone! Here are some links and information that may help:

  • Family Care Centre, Children’s Mental Health Ontario
    • A resource hub for parents and caregivers of children and youth with mental illness. Find a variety of resources and support groups available to you.
  • Kids Mental Health
    • Aims to help parents and professionals learn and understand mental illness and what they can do to protect themselves and their children. We provide information through educational articles and guides. We also have a community for families and friends.

There are resources in our community where you can get help. For a listing of what’s available in the Peterborough Area and provincially, please visit our general Mental Health webpage.

Screens and Technology

Balancing the benefits and risks of young people using screens and digital technology is a common concern. There are resources to support you:

Vaping & Substance Use

Navigating substance use with your kids and teens can be challenging, but you can make a difference. The best strategies often have nothing to do with drugs themselves, but instead focus on:

  • supporting a young person’s healthy physical, mental, & emotional development
  • building and keeping a strong healthy relationship with you as their parent or another caring adult
  • Fostering their sense of belonging and connection to school, peers, leisure activities and community.

You don’t have to be an expert. Start early and create a safe space for ongoing communication. Check out these resources to help guide you: