Food For Kids Honours Minute Maid for 18 Years of Supporting Healthy Students

Written by admin, November 18, 2014

November 18, 2014 – Free Orange Juice Given to Local Student Nutrition Programs Since 1996

Minute Maid staff were on hand this morning at St. John’s school serving food to students at the breakfast program.  The special event recognized Minute Maid, not only a proud supporter of Breakfast Clubs of Canada across Ontario since 2003, but also one of the area’s longest-standing donors to local student nutrition programs, helping our programs in Peterborough and County since 1996.

“For the past 18 years, Minute Maid has been a valuable sponsor to our programs,” said Chris McCarthy, Student Nutrition Program Coordinator with Food for Kids Peterborough and County.  “Minute Maid’s ongoing generous donation of juice contributes cost savings to our programs, and provides healthy food choices for our students.”  All 48 local schools who run breakfast programs are invited to pick-up a free case of orange juice every month; from January until June of this year, the donation valued $4,620.

Minute Maid is one of over 160 local generous community donors who support Food For Kids programs with financial and in-kind donations. Student nutrition (breakfast) programs are open to all students accessing healthy breakfasts and snacks, allowing them to attend school well-nourished and ready to learn.  In the 2013-2014 school year, 17, 434 students enjoyed almost 2.2 million meals locally through Food For Kids breakfast programs. Food For Kids is grateful to all who donate food, funding, supplies, space and volunteer time to make our programs a success! 

Programs are partially funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Breakfast Clubs of Canada, and Breakfast for Learning through the Peterborough Family Resource Centre, as well as from generous donations from the community.



For further information, please contact:

Luisa Magalhaes, MHSc, RD                                         Chris McCarthy

Public Health Nutritionist                                              Student Nutrition Program Coordinator

Peterborough Public Health                  Food For Kids Peterborough and County

705-743-1000, ext. 233