First Charges of the Season Laid for Smoking Outdoors in Prohibited Areas

Written by admin, June 5, 2013

June 5, 2013 – Last night the first charges of the season were laid under the City of Peterborough’s bylaw prohibiting smoking in all municipally-owned parks.

Three charges were laid against individuals violating the no smoking bylaw on June 4 by Peterborough Public Health’s Tobacco Enforcement Officer.  The fine for smoking in a city park is $305.

The charges were laid because Public Health and City staff received public complaints about outdoor smoking in city parks.

“The City of Peterborough is doing its part of contributing to a smoke-free society. Many communities in Canada and across Ontario have embraced similar restrictions or bans on smoking in public outdoor spaces,” said Dr. Rosana Salvaterra, Medical Officer of Health.  “Eliminating smoking in public outdoor spaces is another move to denormalizing tobacco use, being good role models and preventing our children from starting to use commercial tobacco products.  It’s good for everyone’s health.”

“The City’s ban includes city-owned beaches, playgrounds, wading pools, sport fields, and within all city parks.  The public’s response has been quite positive,” said Rob Anderson, Recreation Division Coordinator. “We are confident that further promotion of healthy living and compliance with the smoking bylaw will result in fewer charges being laid.”

On May 1, 2012, the final phase of the city’s four-year plan to ban smoking in all city parks came into effect.  The no smoking bylaw now covers all 169 city parks and sports fields, with the exception of one park that has a designated smoking area. Healthy living and care for the environment have driven this initiative.

Earlier in the year, the city hired event monitors to attend sporting events to issue warnings and increase awareness about smoke-free parks. City recreation staff also provided all local sporting leagues with information about the new bylaw to share with referees, team officials, and players.



For further information, please contact:

Brittany Cadence
Communications Supervisor
(705) 743-1000, ext. 391