Celebrating Flu Shot Champions

Written by admin, November 4, 2016

November 4, 2016 – Overall Healthcare Worker Influenza Immunization Rate in 2015-16 was 75% for County and City of Peterborough

Today the Medical Officer of Health Dr. Rosana Salvaterra commeScreen Shot 11-04-16 at 03.35 PMnded local healthcare workers for keeping vulnerable residents safe by maintaining strong influenza immunization rates last year at their healthcare organizations.

“As we head into another flu season, we wanted to bring our local healthcare organizations together to celebrate their collective efforts promoting the flu shot among their staff,” said Dr. Salvaterra.  “Creating a ring of immunity around our most vulnerable residents is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the flu in healthcare settings, and in the community as well.”

Dr. Salvaterra noted that the overall healthcare worker influenza immunization rate in 2015-16 remained stable at 75%, compared to 76% the year before.  “While it’s wonderful to see many long term care homes and retirement residences with high overall flu shot rates, what I found really exciting was that the lowest rate of staff influenza immunization dramatically improved from 51% in 2014-15, to 61% in 2015-16,” she said.  “This impressive increase really tells the story because we understand how much effort it takes to bolster healthcare worker immunization rates.  It is a testament to the leadership of our local healthcare organizations that we can see the tide is rising for the benefit of all, especially for the health of our seniors.”

Peterborough Public Health recognized those local healthcare organizations who achieved a 5% increase in their healthcare worker flu shot rates in 2015-16 over the previous year. Healthcare organizationsthat achieved an overall healthcare worker flu shot rate of 80% or more in 2015-16 were also honoured. These recipients were:


Please see page 68 from the October 12, 2016 Board of Health meeting package available on www.peterboroughpublichealth.ca for a complete list of healthcare worker influenza immunization rates for 2015-16.

This year’s flu vaccine has already been distributed to healthcare workers to protect those at high-risk, and is publicly available through pharmacies and family healthcare providers.




For further information, please contact:

Brittany Cadence

Communications Manager

705-743-1000, ext. 391