PPH Building - About Us Banner

About Us

Public health is shaped by our social, economic and physical environments, as well as by our personal choices. Through community programs and by developing better health policies, Peterborough Public Health works to improve the living conditions of those in need for the benefit of all.

We serve residents throughout the City and County of Peterborough, as well as Curve Lake and Hiawatha First Nations, and offer a wide range of programs and services ranging from healthy eating workshops, poverty reduction initiatives to controlling infectious disease outbreaks, water safety and oral health and sexual health clinic services.

Peterborough Public Health (PPH) is a registered charity!  For further details on how you can contribute to local programs and initiatives that could not continue without your generous support, click here.

For location, hours of service and contact information, please visit the Contact Us section.

Our Vision And Mission

The work of our Board of Health is guided by the following principles:

Healthy communities.

Peterborough Public Health works with partners to promote and protect the health of communities in Curve Lake and Hiawatha First Nations and the County and City of Peterborough.


Our work is guided by the understanding that “health” includes physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

Our values are grounded in two beliefs. We believe in:

  • our responsibility to address the upstream causes of health and to strive for equity; and
  • respect for individual choice within the greater context of health protection and promotion for all.

Our work is guided by the following values:

  • RESPECT: We make all people feel welcome and treat them with dignity.
  • TEAMWORK: Our goals are best achieved through collaboration, cooperation and partnerships that are inclusive.
  • EXCELLENCE: We are responsive to community needs and are resourceful and innovative in our efforts. We are committed to life-long learning, ethical practice, evidence-informed decision-making, and professionalism.
  • ADVOCACY: We are invested in the health of our communities and through allyship seek fundamental and transformative change.

Business Excellence Awards