Local Nutrition Programs and Services
For the Community
Peterborough is a caring community that comes together to make sure all community members can afford to choose the healthiest foods possible. Our community has the Peterborough Food Action Network that meets monthly to coordinate all activities that involve food- from food banks to community meals; from community gardens to cooking classes; from farmers markets to food boxes.
Do you know someone who is struggling to get enough food for themselves or their family? Are you looking for some cooking classes to help you make quick, nourishing meals? You can find everything you need to know about food security at the website Food in Peterborough.
For Individuals
Registered dietitians (RD) are available to help you learn about nutrition and meet your specific needs for the best health possible through a variety of programs and services in Peterborough and surrounding communities.
Registered dietitians are regulated health care professionals who are trained to provide advice and counselling about diet, food and nutrition. They use the best available evidence in conjunction with professional judgment about their client’s and/or communities’ unique values and circumstances to provide guidance and recommendations.