Wiping Out Hospital Superbugs
Written by admin, September 14, 2012
September 14, 2012 – Free Presentation on September 20 to Highlight New Canadian Innovation in Infection Control
Renowned infection control expert Dr. Dick Zoutman will share a new Canadian technological advance that can effectively destroy so-called “superbugs” from hospitals during a free presentation at the Evinrude Centre on Thursday, September 20, 2012 beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Entitled Saving Countless Lives: What’s New in Infection Control in Hospitals, his presentation will describe how this new method uses ozone and hydrogen peroxide to kill the antibiotic-resistant organisms that can lead to hospital-acquired infections.
It is estimated that in Canada 5% to 10% of patients acquire an infection after admission to hospitals, resulting in 8,000 deaths each year.
Hosted by Peterborough Public Health, Dr. Zoutman will share the latest in hospital-based infection control methods designed to protect patients, staff and the community at large. As part of the event, guests will also have a chance to find out how well they wash their hands through an interactive demonstration after the presentation.
The September 20 presentation is free and open to all and following Dr. Zoutman’s presentation there will be a question and answer session. To register, please call (705)743-1000 ext. 135 or do so online at www.peterboroughpublichealth.ca.
For further information, please contact:
Marilyn Mitchell, RN
Public Health Nurse
705- 743-1000, ext. 270