Mobile Dental Centre Update in Norwood February 12
Written by admin, February 11, 2013
February 11, 2013 – Staff from Peterborough Public Health’s oral health team will give a presentation to Asphodel-Norwood Township Council about the mobile dental centre bus on Tuesday, February 12.
The mobile dental centre bus has been very well received by county residents and the number of residents using the service continues to grow. More details about the importance of this program to public health in the county will be provided during the presentation.
The mobile dental clinic is fully accessible and features two treatment areas and the equipment to provide diagnostic x-rays, cleaning, fillings and other preventive and treatment services. It is also intended to serve as a gateway to clients’ better health as clients on board can also be provided with information related to nutrition, food access, tobacco-free living, parenting, and a host of other public health resources.
Funded by Healthy Smiles Ontario, this program provides preventive dental care at no cost to children and youth who:
- Are 17 years and under.
- Are members of a household with an Adjusted Family Net Income of $20,000 per year or less
- Don’t have access to any form of dental coverage.
Adults receiving social assistance may also be eligible for dental services on the mobile dental clinic at no charge. Residents interested in finding out if they or their children qualify for financial assistance are encouraged to call Public Health at 705-743-1003, ext. 265.
For further information about dental services provided by Public Health and when the mobile clinic is visiting various county locations, please visit
For further information, please contact:
Brittany Cadence
Communications Supervisor
(705) 743-1000, ext. 391